Top 15 Beauty Tips For Women Over 30 - Zara Beauty Tips

Top 15 Beauty Tips For Women Over 30 - Zara Beauty Tips

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Thirty is the new 20. It's one of your best life phases. The thirties are just more fun with mature. It's also the time to start taking care of your skin more carefully than before. Those of you who were regular in your skin care earlier don't need to worry. You probably already have properly nourished skin and are still holding off showing these signs of aging. It's time to change your skin care routine as you move on in your years. Maybe most women in their thirties had their babies. This also means that your skin can show symptoms such as pigmentation, uneven skin and dark circles after delivery. As difficult or drastic as it may sound, taking care of your skin in the 30s is more about following the basics and ensuring you keep your skin is well-nourished at all times.

Beauty Tips for Women Over 30:

Here are the top 15 tips on skin care for women over 30. This ensures that you have healthy skin in your 30s.

1. Follow the CTM routine:

That's important! The cleansing, toning and moisturizing routine is something that most of us ignore throughout our younger days. When you hit your 30s, it's even more important that you follow it to the T. The CTM routine will help clear your skin from any accumulated dirt and grime. It will also keep your skin healthy and fresh. 

2. Eat Well:

Include plenty of fruit and vegetables in your diet. Fresh fruit and vegetable salads will help your body get rid of toxins. This will help to reveal healthy skin.

3. Look For Key Ingredients That Benefit Skin:

Whether you prefer natural or commercial cosmetics for your skin, look for key ingredients that help your skin look youthful and radiant. Antioxidants, vitamin C, glycolic and hyaluronic acids help prevent premature aging and severe dryness. As a result, your skin remains fresh and bright.

4. Water:

To keep your skin hydrated from inside, drink plenty of water every day. Every day at least 8- 10 glasses of water are recommended by experts. Not only for a healthy body but also for beautiful skin. It also helps to remove your body's toxins.

5. Supplements:

Take supplements of vitamin C and vitamin E to make sure your skin is strong and elastic. These vitamins produce collagen for longer periods of time to maintain skin elasticity.

6. Exercise:

Walk or hit the gym for 30 minutes. Regular exercise not only cleanses your skin but also feeds your blood cells. This also helps flush the waste products out of your skin. Regular exercise helps to reduce stress, prevent acne and keep your overall health. Healthy and fit = naturally beautiful skin.

7. Indulge in face masks:

You don't have to buy expensive face masks from the shelves or head to the spa. A great way to treat your skin naturally is to use ingredients from your kitchen.

  • Apply some yogurt to your face and neck. 
  • Sit for 15 minutes and wash with tipped water. 
  • Add a little honey to it for some variation.

8. Facials:

Facials are a great way to keep your skin radiant and young. Even if your schedule is busy, at least once a month, take the time to go to a facial spa. It will do wonders for your skin and you will experience a dramatic change in the texture of your skin.

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